

Saturday, January 6, 2024



Esercizio 1 (scelta multipla): piace o piacciono?

Esercizio 2 (cloze): pronomi

Esercizio 3 (scelta multipla): che fai nel tempo libero?

Esercizio 4 (sequenza): annuncio scambio di converszione

Esercizio 5 (tabella grammaticale): alcuni verbi irregolari

(1001 Italian Verbs )

Italian verbs, as in most other languages, form the cornerstone of communication. You cannot write a complete sentence or express a complete thought without a verb. Unless you're Roberto Benigni, Italian hand gestures will only get you so far, and speaking with your hands won't help if you're writing a business letter in Italian. Therefore, conjugating Italian verbs like a native should be a primary goal of all students, regardless of their level or ability.

The following list of 1001 conjugated Italian verbs is arranged alphabetically. Each verb is conjugated in all tenses in an easy-to-read tabular format and includes a definition. If terms such as indicativo (indicative), congiuntivo (subjunctive), condizionale (conditional), or imperativo (imperative) aren't familiar, refer to Italian verbs for beginners for an explanation.

1001 Italian Verbs: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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